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Distribution of clothes

Helping Hands Mission Against Poverty (HHMAP) provided this home for a family of seven who were made homeless.

The joy of seeing shelter being provided for the homeless is most satisfying to our team and donors. Coming  to  Jamaica our goal was to help the poor make a living by raising poultry, but we ended up meeting  other needs such as building 5 basic homes for homeless families.

This happened during the years 2012/13. Basic homes like these were built for a families of five, sometimes seven in areas such as Roaring River Steer Town, St Ann, Jamaica.

We also distributed much needed clothes donated by our faithful and enthusiastic donors in the UK. These clothes were distributed in two parishes in Jamaica, St. Ann and St Mary.

Home for the Browns family.

We Responded to a cry for help from a family of seven who were threatened and evicted from the family home. They were now sleeping on one bed in the corridor of a neighbours  home. HHMAP built them a lovely three bedroom home in Davis Town St Ann.

Education Project

The Nuffield Foundation hospital donated one hundred and fifty crutches which was shipped to hospitals in Jamaica. The North Jamaica Conference office invited HHMAP to make a presentation of some of the Crutches to the Minister of Health at the Falmouth hospital.

We also distributed one hundred Steps to Christ and Thoughts from the mount of blessings. The Minister was most impressed at the work HHMAP was doing for the poor, and the Seventh day Adventist church in general.


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